Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

Conjunction ( Kata Sambung )

Conjunction atau kata sambung adalah kata yang menghubungkan kata-kata atau kalimat. Berikut saya akan berikan macam-macam conjunction beserta contohnya.

And, but, or, because, after, before, although, however, until, yet, when, whereas, whether, while, so, either, neither as, as if, unless, nevertheless.

Berikut adalah contoh-contoh pemakaian  kata sambung diatas.

-          I can play a guitar and a piano.
-          He will read and write this story.
-          Tom was there but John was not.
-          I can do that but I am lazy now.
-          What is your favorite color, blue or red?
-          Are you from Jakarta or Makassar?
-          Martha is not at school because she is sick.
-          I will buy a cell phone because I need it.
-          After I took a bath, I ate breakfast.
-          I will visit you after I clean my home.
-          He had slept before he takes dinner.
-          Catty often studies before she gets sleep.
-          He is always neatly dressed although he is poor.
-          Although she is old, the blind old woman always sweeps the pedestrian.
-          It was raining when we arrived.
-          I was calling you when you are eating lunch.

Nah, itu contoh beberapa conjunction yang dapat saya berikan. next meeting I will post more... :)

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